What’s China sourcing agent?How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?

What’s China sourcing agent?How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?

What’s China sourcing agent?How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?

What’s China sourcing agent?How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?

What’s China sourcing agent?How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?

What’s China sourcing agent?How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?

What’s China sourcing agent?How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?

What is A China Sourcing Agent?

What Is A China Sourcing Agent? A sourcing agent is a person or company that represents an oversea company (buyer) to source and buy products in China. Sourcing agent plays a crucial role when importing overseas. Traditionally, the work of a sourcing agent is to look for supplies for the buyer,actually a sourcing agent can do a full set of work including selecting the right supplier, collecting samples,price negotiation, following up production, quality control, product inspection, shipping & logistics.etc.

How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?

china sourcing agent company

When searching for a China Sourcing agent, trust and confidentiality are the peak influencers. This sourcing sector has recorded high levels of unfair deeds, with either party recording injustice against each other. However, there are tips for searching a reliable partner. In this case, reliability covers the following factors:

  • Quality and pricing– All the products sourced should be the best quality and at the right prices. Some agencies compromise on quality, raise the price to unrealistic ranges or even both.
  • Access to Markets and the goods– A reliable Agent should understand all the markets in China and should provide genuine information when you need it. It is also their responsibility to have reliable channels, through which you can purchase the goods.
  • Experience on certain products-If you want to import a lot of different types of daily consumer products, choose a sourcing company that has already sourced a lot of daily consumer goods for previous buyers,if you specialize in importing certain industrial products, then find the sourcing agent specialized in this industry like building materials, medical products. Because these sourcing agents must have accumulated a lot of good suppliers in this industry and can give you sound purchasing and production advice.
  •  Agent near the industrial clusters-Each country has its own industrial clusters, which are groups of similar and related firms in a defined geographic area,for example, if you want to purchase daily commodities from China, the sourcing agent of Yiwu is a good choice. And for clothes, the sourcing agent in Guangzhou will have more advantages.Locating close to the industry cluster is convenient to contact with factories and reduce intermediate costs, like freight cost, quality supervision fees and so on. For example, If you want to purchase electronic products, the sourcing agents in Yiwu will not have better price advantage than the sourcing agent in Shenzhen.

Do you have any other questions about sourcing agent/company? If you think this article helpful, share it with your friends and share your ideas in the comments section. If you want to find a China sourcing agent, you can contact us, we are one of the leading China sourcing agency.

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Jia Yueh

Jia Yueh

15 years experience in sourcing&purchasing,own strong supply chain,Chinese products exporting expertiser


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What’s China sourcing agent?How Can I find a reliable sourcing agent in China?